Do you need to move your company to Warsaw? Or perhaps, you don't want to register it at your home address?
You don't need to rent the whole business premises - you can just take advantage of our partner's offer - a company named Your Virtual Office - in order to register your own company at a virtual address in Warsaw downtown.
Księgowość Warszawa KDS Sp. z o.o.
TAX FILE NUMBER (NIP): 527 273 76 97
REGON: 36163581300000
National Court Register number (KRS): 0000560030
Share Capital amount: 10 000 PLN
District Court for the capital of Warsaw in Warsaw, XII Commercial Division of National Register Court
Roma Office Center, ul. Nowogrodzka 47 A
00-695 Warszawa
floor 4
phone Phone.: 22 102 29 61
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