Blurred image showing an opened laptop lying on a table.

Virtual office

Do you need to move your company to Warsaw? Or perhaps, you don't want to register it at your home address?

You don't need to rent the whole business premises - you can just take advantage of our partner's offer - a company named Your Virtual Office - in order to register your own company at a virtual address in Warsaw downtown.

Let us take care of your accounting!

We offer lawful solutions that are tailored to your business profile

Księgowość Warszawa KDS Sp. z o.o.

TAX FILE NUMBER (NIP): 527 273 76 97
REGON: 36163581300000
National Court Register number (KRS): 0000560030
Share Capital amount: 10 000 PLN

District Court for the capital of Warsaw in Warsaw, XII Commercial Division of National Register Court

Roma Office Center, ul. Nowogrodzka 47 A
00-695 Warszawa
floor 4
phone Phone.: 22 102 29 61

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