Blurred image showing a man signing an agreement.

Company and copartnership registration

We register a company using traditional methods or online

Why choose us?

We take care of your security.

While registering a company, we are always assisted by law firms - attorneys and solicitors.

It is absolutely essential for us to ensure that our clients are provided with professional legal assistance which is offered by our partners, two leading law firms. Dega Koroluk i Partnerzy Kancelaria Adwokatów i Radców Prawnych and KPLM adwokaci i radcowie prawni Łuczyński i Szabłowski sp.p. have been operating for many years. They specialize in company law. Among others, they have registered hundreds of limited liability companies, offered advice during the process of a public offering of shares and floating them at the Warsaw Stock Exchange, as well as, splitting the stock of a joint-stock company. They also prepared the legal part of the prospectus. They offer legal services to public companies, they have conducted hundreds of shareholder meetings, advised in the process of cross-border mergers of limited liability companies.

Księgowość Warszawa KDS Sp. z o.o.

TAX FILE NUMBER (NIP): 527 273 76 97
REGON: 36163581300000
National Court Register number (KRS): 0000560030
Share Capital amount: 10 000 PLN

District Court for the capital of Warsaw in Warsaw, XII Commercial Division of National Register Court

Oxford Tower, ul. Chałubińskiego 8
00-613 Warszawa
floor 46
Phone.: 22 102 29 61

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